Thursday, October 24, 2013

Day 24 ~ Toilet Paper

I have mentioned before how I hate to find myself in someone's bathroom without an extra roll close by.  That is the worst!  But it never happens at my mom's house.  She has always kept spare rolls stored attractively but obviously.

It's just a metal can but 2 rolls fit in there and my mom refills it relentlessly so you're never left in an awkward spot.
Thanks mom!

Where's your extra roll??

To read more from my 31 Day series click here.


  1. Love it! The use of a paper towel holder is so creative yet should be so obvious! LOL I have a basket in my children's and master bath with extra rolls in it. It's decorative and I can see when it needs to be refilled so they are never without.

    1. You are a good mom!! There's nothing worse than being without!!! ;)
