Saturday, October 12, 2013

Day 12 ~ Daylight

Do your sleep habits reflect your upbringing?

 This is the bedroom I was raised in.  
The curtains were never, ever closed and it faces south and east.
Pretty bright.

And now I sleep here.

It would never have occurred to me to put up black out curtains when we moved in...I've just always woken up to daylight.
We never have total dark in my childrens' rooms I guess I'm passing on my design legacy to them.

To read more posts from my 31 Day series, click here.


  1. We always had curtains growing up, and I wasn't a fan, so now don't have them. It could be in response to my mom's habit of waking us up by throwing them open and saying what a great day it was and we should be up. I guess I prefer the gradual lighting of the sunrise to that jolt. ;-)

    1. Ha ha. Your mom's wake up greeting made me laugh. I wonder if I've said that to my kids ever. Don't think so...I'm a night owl. :)

  2. We had pull down shades when I was growing up and we have shutters or curtains today. I like it at least close to dark when I sleep. Can't STAND the light on! What we prefer definitely is influenced by our upbringing. Great post!

    1. Thanks Michele! It's so neat to hear how we all differ in our preferences!
