It is great to have both a desk and table in my office but it is also easy to let them get covered with piles of stuff. And yes, the point of having two work spaces is to use them both, however, every so often I need to do a little tidy so that they don't end up piled any higher.
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Desk Before |
I was worried that both spaces were too much for 30 minutes but I decided that if I really focussed, I could manage it. The problem with an office tidy is that it is really easy to get distracted with projects and to-do lists and such so my goal was to only do the task at hand.
I started with the table.
I cleared out some gift bags that we brought home from a gala the other night. My pile of 40th birthday cards got put in my special card box. I had a little pile of papers and magazines that needed filing.
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Moving on to the desk, I had a quick look through all the papers on top, kept what needs to be done right away under the paper weight, threw some out and filed the rest. I have file folders for projects or tasks that are coming up soon as well as to-do's that are not a rush. I flipped through the files and removed items that were out of date.
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On the other side of the desk I tidied my little turquoise organizer.
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When you tackle your space try to keep your focus on getting everything into its place. This is not the time to actually DO the many little jobs that most of us have piled up (call the doctor, pay the bills, choose the summer camp). This is the time to organize them so that you can come back to them later and none will be forgotten or get overlooked.
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Okay, confession. It pushed me 5 minutes over the limit but I did a quick drawer tidy as well.
If you never use it, get rid of it. Keep often used items in front where you can reach them easily.
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I hope that a little office organize will help you to work more efficiently in your space!
Good motivation for me to tackle my office again...fabric needs to be refolded and sorted, and I already cleaned up my desk the other day, so woohoo! I don't even dare show you all the fabric on my floor right now though... :)
ReplyDeleteI am looking forward to getting my work done so I can organize my desk! It is piled very very high!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the motivation!