So it took a few
months, but I finally got Jake's room done.
Let's have a look at where we started.
Any flat surfaces were piled with stuff...from the desk and dresser to all the window sills.
The curtains were dragging the space down and items were piling up on the floor so that I was having a hard time getting in there to clean.
My goals:
-purge things that were no longer used
-hem curtains
-create a display area for all the knick knacks that Jake wanted to keep
-hang pictures in a more cohesive way
-add some special features that would be fun for a nearly 12 year old boy
Despite my dislike of sewing, the curtains were the easy part.
Next we removed every item that had been on display around the room and put everything Jake wanted to keep in a box.
I switched out his old dresser for a bigger one that we had been using for storage.
I purchased 3 shelves from Jysk and created an area where he could keep all his special items that he wanted on display. Yes, there is a lot of stuff up there, but it is all contained and now I can at least dust the window sills and he can use his desk!
Together we purged books he no longer read and tidied his shelves. The space on the right is his special hunting and fishing area. I did not touch anything there because he is very particular about how it is kept and I wanted to respect his space and his taste in how he set it up.

We moved his desk and I gave him a love seat which he was VERY excited about.
I created a collage on his wall with all his pictures.
Yep, I hung up squirrel hides with my bare hands.
I created a spot where Jake could display his archery badges.
One of my favourite moments was when he insisted on keeping a laminated calendar page which I hung in his nursery before he was born. I have always loved this saying... and I guess he does too!

Overall the room feels really cozy and much more peaceful.
A Mama's proud moment?
When the preteen is so excited about his new room that he invites his siblings in for a movie on his new love seat...lava lamp and all.